The Run! button sends the query from the query editor and the program from the program editor for evaluation to the Prolog server.

You can either type a query or embed queries in a comment block in the program and select it from the Examples dropup menu. Queries are added to the History dropup menu for re-use.

NOTE: if a complex string containing special characters (s.a. #), surround it with escaped single quote (\'). See TRILL manual section in Help page for a list of possible queries.

Example queries embedded in your program must be formatted like this:

/** <examples>

?- instanceOf(\'\',\'\',ListExpl).
?- axiom(X).

TRILL can compute the probability of queries using the commands shown below:

Concept membership queries.
Subsumption queries.
Unsatifiability of a concept.
dd>Inconsistency of the knowledge base.
TRILL can test entailment or find an explanation Expl using the queries below:
Concept membership queries.
Subsumption queries.
Unsatifiability of a concept.
Inconsistency of the knowledge base.

For hints press Ctrl-Space.