NEW Issues: - ENS: agent in een conceptscheme? nee - ENS: map persons properties to RDA Group2 elements TODO: - People thesaurus: use property (Bob) - Thesaurus: put in other namespace (purl/vocabularies)? - Thesaurus: add skos_inscheme ----------------------------------------------------- - For the schema file, I have used the old ahm-schema.ttl file, where vra is replaced by dcterms where possible. Here we use the standard vra-dcterms mapping ( - URI's are based on ahm:objectnumber as they seem unique (could also have chosen priref) - acquisitionDate and Method both mapped to dct:provenance - locat is mapped to dcterms:spatial, which does not really capture the essence - ahm:reproduction is a view on the data, which might or might not be available on the web. I think it could be an hasView attached to the aggregation - productionPlace: dct does not have a good property, so dct:descr. - hasView: is it only for web-dereferencable material? - What to do with all the typed bnodes? RULES - titleTranslation is always the en. translation of the dutch title. As such it is replaced by a dct:title @en. The original Dutch title becomes a ahm:title @nl. This is slightly weird. - For dimensions, we have bnodes with (almost) always a value. % For makers, we use the person thesaurus. TODO: make the object point % to the person URI if it is in the thesaurus, or to a BNode object if % it is not (or add it to the thesaurus). Problematic are two % Maker properties that are context dependent, the role and the % qualifier. there are instances where both are present. A possible % solution is to make a subproperty for each qualifier/role combi. O - Exhibitions could be modeled as events, using the EDM event model and stored in a (separate) thesaurus. For now, we use bnodes and 'treat them as resources'. - related Object ->reBN'ify? : er zijn meerdere records, waarbij meerdere relatedObjectReference en relatedObjectNotes zijn. Hiervan is de structuur niet meer te achterhalen. in the original data there is no XML grouping of related_object.references and related_object.notes, so we do not reconstruct that. NAMES/People in people.xml: - 66937 records - all ahm:name s are unique. in collection-11001-12001.xml: - 1000 Proxies - 988 Proxies with ahm:maker (??) - 988 ahm:maker bnodes with a ahm:creator value - "onbekend"435 "onbekend (glasblazer)" 305"onbekend (glasgraveur)" 90 "onbekend (glasschilder)" 16 - 142 other - 85 distinct - all 988 creator fields have a unique match in people.xml in total 6172 object literals that match one or more people record name - 25 different properties (ref1) - also locations etc. Association Person: in collection-11001-12001.xml: 195 entries, all with unique match in person thes. - associationPerson, contentPerson, documentationAuthor, exhibitionOrganiser, reproductionCreators mapped to people name thesaurus - contentSubject and associationSubject not mapped to people.: only few hits, clearly not people (paard, libelle..) Alternative Number - Again, I use the bnode reification trick, where the alternativeNumber becomes subproperty of rdfs:label of the bnode *----------- Mapping to thesaurus. I have looked at which literals appear as pref/altlabel values in the converted thesaurus. There are a large number of properties (ref2). for now, each property gives rise to one rewrite rule. (ref1): [reproductionCreator,creator,documentationAuthor,exhibitionOrganiser,exhibitionVenue,currentLocation,creatorDateOfDeath,AHMTextsAuthor,documentationTitle,documentationSortyear,alternativeNumberType,exhibitionCatalogueNumber,alternativeNumberInstitution,dimensionValue,creatorDateOfBirth,creditLine,productionPlace,contentMotifGeneral,acquisitionMethod,associationPerson,associationSubject,contentSubject,contentPersonName,acquisitionDate,material] (ref2): List of metadata properties, whose object literals are the same as preflabels of skos concepts. (starred ones are not rewritten) [acquisitionMethod],[alternativeNumber],[alternativeNumberInstitution],[associationSubject],[contentMotifGeneral],[contentSubject],[creditLine],[currentLocation],[currentLocationFitness],[dimensionNotes],[dimensionPart],[dimensionType],[dimensionUnit],[dimensionValue*],[documentationSortyear*],[documentationTitle],[exhibitionCatalogueNumber*],[exhibitionVenue],[material],[objectCategory],[objectName],[productionDateEnd*],[productionDateStart*],[productionPeriod],[productionPlace],[reproductionFormat*],[reproductionType],[technique],[title]