36:- module(api_sesame,
37 [ api_action/4 38 ]). 39:- use_module(rdfql(serql)). 40:- use_module(rdfql(sparql)). 41:- use_module(rdfql(rdf_io)). 42:- use_module(rdfql(rdf_html)). 43:- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)). 44:- use_module(user(user_db)). 45:- use_module(library(semweb/rdfs)). 46:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)). 47:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_http_plugin)). 48:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_file_type)). 49:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_persistency)). 50:- use_module(library(http/html_write)). 51:- use_module(library(http/http_request_value)). 52:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). 53:- use_module(library(http/http_client)). 54:- use_module(library(http/http_open)). 55:- use_module(library(http/json)). 56:- use_module(library(memfile)). 57:- use_module(library(debug)). 58:- use_module(library(lists)). 59:- use_module(library(option)). 60:- use_module(library(apply)). 61:- use_module(library(settings)). 62:- use_module(components(query)). 63:- use_module(components(basics)). 64:- use_module(components(messages)). 65
66:- meta_predicate(api_action2(+,0,+,+)). 67
68:- http_handler(sesame('login'), http_login, []). 69:- http_handler(sesame('logout'), http_logout, []). 70:- http_handler(sesame('evaluateQuery'), evaluate_query,
71 [spawn(sparql_query)]). 72:- http_handler(sesame('evaluateGraphQuery'), evaluate_graph_query,
73 [spawn(sparql_query)]). 74:- http_handler(sesame('evaluateTableQuery'), evaluate_table_query,
75 [spawn(sparql_query)]). 76:- http_handler(sesame('extractRDF'), extract_rdf, []). 77:- http_handler(sesame('listRepositories'), list_repositories, []). 78:- http_handler(sesame('clearRepository'), clear_repository, []). 79:- http_handler(sesame('unloadSource'), unload_source,
80 [ time_limit(infinite) ]). 81:- http_handler(sesame('unloadGraph'), unload_graph,
82 [ time_limit(infinite) ]). 83:- http_handler(sesame('uploadData'), upload_data,
84 [ time_limit(infinite) ]). 85:- http_handler(sesame('uploadURL'), upload_url,
86 [ time_limit(infinite) ]). 87:- http_handler(sesame('removeStatements'), remove_statements,
88 [ time_limit(infinite) ]). 89:- http_handler(sesame('flushJournal'), flush_journal,
90 [ time_limit(infinite) ]). 91:- http_handler(sesame('modifyPersistency'), modify_persistency,
92 [ time_limit(infinite) ]). 93:- http_handler(sesame('addPrefix'), add_prefix, []). 94:- http_handler(sesame('defPrefix'), del_prefix, []). 95
96:- html_meta
97 api_action(+, 0, +, html).
110http_login(Request) :-
111 http_parameters(Request,
112 [ user(User),
113 password(Password),
114 resultFormat(ResultFormat)
115 ],
116 [ attribute_declarations(attribute_decl)
117 ]),
118 result_format(Request, ResultFormat),
119 api_action(Request,
120 ( validate_login(Request, User, Password),
121 login(User)
122 ),
123 ResultFormat,
124 'Login ~w'-[User]).
126validate_login(_, User, Password) :-
127 validate_password(User, Password),
128 !.
129validate_login(Request, _, _) :-
130 memberchk(path(Path), Request),
131 throw(http_reply(forbidden(Path))).
138http_logout(Request) :-
139 http_parameters(Request,
140 [ resultFormat(ResultFormat)
141 ],
142 [ attribute_declarations(attribute_decl)
143 ]),
144 result_format(Request, ResultFormat),
145 api_action(Request,
146 logout_user(Message),
147 ResultFormat,
148 Message).
150logout_user('Logout ~w'-[User]) :-
151 logged_on(User),
152 !,
153 logout(User).
154logout_user('Not logged on'-[]).
164evaluate_query(Request) :-
165 http_parameters(Request,
166 [ repository(Repository),
167 query(Query),
168 queryLanguage(QueryLanguage),
169 resultFormat(ResultFormat),
170 serialization(Serialization),
171 resourceFormat(ResourceFormat),
172 entailment(Entailment),
173 storeAs(SaveAs)
174 ],
175 [ attribute_declarations(attribute_decl)
176 ]),
177 result_format(Request, ResultFormat),
178 statistics(cputime, CPU0),
179 downcase_atom(QueryLanguage, QLang),
180 compile(QLang, Query, Compiled,
181 [ entailment(Entailment),
182 type(Type)
183 ]),
184 authorized_query(Type, Repository, ResultFormat),
185 findall(Reply, run(QLang, Compiled, Reply), Result),
186 statistics(cputime, CPU1),
187 CPU is CPU1 - CPU0,
188 store_query(construct, SaveAs, Query),
189 ( graph_type(Type)
190 -> write_graph(Result,
191 [ result_format(ResultFormat),
192 serialization(Serialization),
193 resource_format(ResourceFormat),
194 cputime(CPU)
195 ])
196 ; Type = select(VarNames)
197 -> write_table(Result,
198 [ variables(VarNames),
199 result_format(ResultFormat),
200 serialization(Serialization),
201 resource_format(ResourceFormat),
202 cputime(CPU)
203 ])
204 ; Type == ask, Result = [Reply]
205 -> reply_html_page(cliopatria(default),
206 title('ASK Result'),
207 [ h4('ASK query completed'),
208 p(['Answer = ', Reply])
209 ])
210 ; Type == update, Result = [Reply]
211 -> reply_html_page(cliopatria(default),
212 title('Update Result'),
213 [ h4('Update query completed'),
214 p(['Answer = ', Reply])
215 ])
216 ).
219authorized_query(update, Repository, ResultFormat) :-
220 !,
221 authorized_api(write(Repository, sparql(update)), ResultFormat).
222authorized_query(_, Repository, ResultFormat) :-
223 authorized_api(read(Repository, query), ResultFormat).
229evaluate_graph_query(Request) :-
230 http_parameters(Request,
231 [ repository(Repository),
232 query(Query),
233 queryLanguage(QueryLanguage),
234 resultFormat(ResultFormat),
235 serialization(Serialization),
236 resourceFormat(ResourceFormat),
237 entailment(Entailment),
238 storeAs(SaveAs)
239 ],
240 [ attribute_declarations(attribute_decl)
241 ]),
242 result_format(Request, ResultFormat),
243 authorized_api(read(Repository, query), ResultFormat),
244 statistics(cputime, CPU0),
245 downcase_atom(QueryLanguage, QLang),
246 compile(QLang, Query, Compiled,
247 [ entailment(Entailment),
248 type(Type)
249 ]),
250 ( graph_type(Type)
251 -> true
252 ; throw(error(domain_error(query_type(graph), Type), _))
253 ),
254 findall(T, run(QLang, Compiled, T), Triples),
255 statistics(cputime, CPU1),
256 store_query(construct, SaveAs, Query),
257 CPU is CPU1 - CPU0,
258 write_graph(Triples,
259 [ result_format(ResultFormat),
260 serialization(Serialization),
261 resource_format(ResourceFormat),
262 cputime(CPU)
263 ]).
272evaluate_table_query(Request) :-
273 http_parameters(Request,
274 [ repository(Repository),
275 query(Query),
276 queryLanguage(QueryLanguage),
277 resultFormat(ResultFormat),
278 serialization(Serialization),
279 resourceFormat(ResourceFormat),
280 entailment(Entailment),
281 storeAs(SaveAs)
282 ],
283 [ attribute_declarations(attribute_decl)
284 ]),
285 result_format(Request, ResultFormat),
286 authorized_api(read(Repository, query), ResultFormat),
287 statistics(cputime, CPU0),
288 downcase_atom(QueryLanguage, QLang),
289 compile(QLang, Query, Compiled,
290 [ entailment(Entailment),
291 type(select(VarNames))
292 ]),
293 findall(R, run(QLang, Compiled, R), Rows),
294 statistics(cputime, CPU1),
295 CPU is CPU1 - CPU0,
296 store_query(select, SaveAs, Query),
297 write_table(Rows,
298 [ variables(VarNames),
299 result_format(ResultFormat),
300 serialization(Serialization),
301 resource_format(ResourceFormat),
302 cputime(CPU)
303 ]).
309compile(serql, Query, Compiled, Options) :-
310 !,
311 serql_compile(Query, Compiled, Options).
312compile(sparql, Query, Compiled, Options) :-
313 !,
314 sparql_compile(Query, Compiled, Options).
315compile(Language, _, _, _) :-
316 throw(error(domain_error(query_language, Language), _)).
320run(serql, Compiled, Reply) :-
321 serql_run(Compiled, Reply).
322run(sparql, Compiled, Reply) :-
323 sparql_run(Compiled, Reply).
333extract_rdf(Request) :-
334 http_parameters(Request,
335 [ repository(Repository),
336 schema(Schema),
337 data(Data),
338 explicitOnly(ExplicitOnly),
339 niceOutput(_NiceOutput),
340 serialization(Serialization)
341 ],
342 [ attribute_declarations(attribute_decl)
343 ]),
344 authorized(read(Repository, download)),
345 statistics(cputime, CPU0),
346 findall(T, export_triple(Schema, Data, ExplicitOnly, T), Triples),
347 statistics(cputime, CPU1),
348 CPU is CPU1 - CPU0,
349 write_graph(Triples,
350 [ serialization(Serialization),
351 cputime(CPU)
352 ]).
357export_triple(off, off, _, _) :-
358 !,
359 fail. 360export_triple(on, on, on, rdf(S,P,O)) :-
361 !,
362 rdf_db:rdf(S,P,O).
363export_triple(on, on, off, rdf(S,P,O)) :-
364 !,
365 rdfs_entailment:rdf(S,P,O).
366export_triple(off, on, Explicit, RDF) :-
367 export_triple(on, on, Explicit, RDF),
368 \+ schema_triple(RDF).
369export_triple(on, off, Explicit, RDF) :-
370 export_triple(on, on, Explicit, RDF),
371 schema_triple(RDF).
373schema_triple(rdf(S,_P,_O)) :-
374 rdfs_individual_of(S, rdf:'Property').
375schema_triple(rdf(S,_P,_O)) :-
376 rdfs_individual_of(S, rdfs:'Class').
383list_repositories(_Request) :-
384 Repository = default,
385 logged_on(User, anonymous),
386 ( catch(check_permission(User, write(Repository, _)), _, fail)
387 -> Write = true
388 ; Write = false
389 ),
390 ( catch(check_permission(User, read(Repository, _)), _, fail)
391 -> Read = true
392 ; Read = false
393 ),
394 format('Content-type: text/xml~n~n'),
395 format('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>~n~n', []),
396 format('<repositorylist>~n'),
397 format(' <repository id="default" readable="~w" writeable="~w">~n',
398 [ Read, Write ]),
399 format(' <title>Default repository</title>~n'),
400 format(' </repository>~n'),
401 format('</repositorylist>~n').
408clear_repository(Request) :-
409 http_parameters(Request,
410 [ repository(Repository),
411 resultFormat(ResultFormat)
412 ],
413 [ attribute_declarations(attribute_decl)
414 ]),
415 result_format(Request, ResultFormat),
416 authorized_api(write(Repository, clear), ResultFormat),
417 api_action(Request,
418 rdf_reset_db,
419 ResultFormat,
420 'Clear database'-[]).
426unload_source(Request) :-
427 http_parameters(Request,
428 [ repository(Repository),
429 source(Source),
430 resultFormat(ResultFormat)
431 ],
432 [ attribute_declarations(attribute_decl)
433 ]),
434 result_format(Request, ResultFormat),
435 authorized_api(write(Repository, unload(Source)), ResultFormat),
436 api_action(Request, rdf_unload(Source),
437 ResultFormat,
438 'Unload triples from ~w'-[Source]).
445unload_graph(Request) :-
446 http_parameters(Request,
447 [ repository(Repository),
448 graph(Graph, []),
449 resultFormat(ResultFormat)
450 ],
451 [ attribute_declarations(attribute_decl)
452 ]),
453 result_format(Request, ResultFormat),
454 authorized_api(write(Repository, unload(Graph)), ResultFormat),
455 api_action(Request, rdf_unload_graph(Graph),
456 ResultFormat,
457 'Unload triples from ~w'-[Graph]).
464flush_journal(Request) :-
465 http_parameters(Request,
466 [ repository(Repository),
467 graph(Graph, []),
468 resultFormat(ResultFormat)
469 ],
470 [ attribute_declarations(attribute_decl)
471 ]),
472 result_format(Request, ResultFormat),
473 authorized_api(write(Repository, unload(Graph)), ResultFormat),
474 api_action(Request, rdf_flush_journals([graph(Graph)]),
475 ResultFormat,
476 'Flushed journals for graph ~w'-[Graph]).
483modify_persistency(Request) :-
484 http_parameters(Request,
485 [ repository(Repository),
486 graph(Graph, []),
487 resultFormat(ResultFormat),
488 persistent(Persistent)
489 ],
490 [ attribute_declarations(attribute_decl)
491 ]),
492 persistency(Persistent, PVal, Action),
493 result_format(Request, ResultFormat),
494 authorized_api(write(Repository, persistent(Graph)), ResultFormat),
495 api_action(Request, rdf_persistency(Graph, PVal),
496 ResultFormat,
497 '~w persistency for graph ~w'-[Action, Graph]).
499persistency(on, true, 'Set').
500persistency(off, false, 'Cleared').
512:- if(current_predicate(http_convert_parameters/3)).
524:- public create_tmp_file/3. 525create_tmp_file(Stream, file(File, Options), Options) :-
526 setup_call_catcher_cleanup(
527 tmp_file_stream(binary, File, Out),
528 copy_stream_data(Stream, Out),
529 Why,
530 cleanup(Why, File, Out)).
532cleanup(Why, File, Out) :-
533 close(Out),
534 ( Why == exit
535 -> true
536 ; catch(delete_file(File), _, true)
537 ).
545upload_data_file(Request, Data, TmpFile, FileOptions) :-
546 http_convert_parameters(Data,
547 [ repository(Repository),
548 dataFormat(DataFormat),
549 baseURI(BaseURI),
550 verifyData(_Verify),
551 resultFormat(ResultFormat)
552 ],
553 attribute_decl),
554 result_format(Request, ResultFormat),
555 authorized_api(write(Repository, load(posted)), ResultFormat),
556 phrase(load_option(DataFormat, BaseURI), LoadOptions),
557 append(LoadOptions, FileOptions, Options),
558 api_action(Request,
559 setup_call_cleanup(
560 open(TmpFile, read, Stream),
561 rdf_guess_format_and_load(Stream, Options),
562 close(Stream)),
563 ResultFormat,
564 'Load data from POST'-[]).
566upload_option(_=_) :- !.
567upload_option(Term) :- functor(Term, _, 1).
569upload_data(Request) :-
570 option(method(post), Request),
571 !,
572 http_read_data(Request, Data,
573 [ on_filename(create_tmp_file)
574 ]),
575 ( option(data(file(TmpFile, FileOptions)), Data)
576 -> true
577 ; existence_error(attribute_declaration, data)
578 ),
579 include(upload_option, FileOptions, Options),
580 call_cleanup(upload_data_file(Request, Data, TmpFile, Options),
581 catch(delete_file(TmpFile), _, true)).
583:- endif. 584upload_data(Request) :-
585 http_parameters(Request,
586 [ repository(Repository),
587 data(Data,
588 [ description('RDF data to be loaded')
589 ]),
590 dataFormat(DataFormat),
591 baseURI(BaseURI),
592 verifyData(_Verify),
593 resultFormat(ResultFormat)
594 ],
595 [ attribute_declarations(attribute_decl)
596 ]),
597 result_format(Request, ResultFormat),
598 authorized_api(write(Repository, load(posted)), ResultFormat),
599 phrase(load_option(DataFormat, BaseURI), Options),
600 atom_to_memory_file(Data, MemFile),
601 api_action(Request,
602 setup_call_cleanup(open_memory_file(MemFile, read, Stream),
603 rdf_guess_format_and_load(Stream, Options),
604 ( close(Stream),
605 free_memory_file(MemFile)
606 )),
607 ResultFormat,
608 'Load data from POST'-[]).
621upload_url(Request) :-
622 http_parameters(Request,
623 [ url(URL, []),
624 dataFormat(DataFormat),
625 baseURI(BaseURI,
626 [ default(URL)
627 ]),
628 resultFormat(ResultFormat),
629 verifyData(_Verify),
630 repository(Repository)
631 ],
632 [ attribute_declarations(attribute_decl)
633 ]),
634 result_format(Request, ResultFormat),
635 authorized_api(write(Repository, load(url(URL))), ResultFormat),
636 phrase(load_option(DataFormat, BaseURI), Options),
637 api_action(Request,
638 load_from_url(URL, Options),
639 ResultFormat,
640 'Load data from ~w'-[URL]).
642load_from_url(URL, Options) :-
643 http_open(URL, In,
644 [ cert_verify_hook(ssl_verify)
645 ]),
646 call_cleanup(rdf_guess_format_and_load(In, Options),
647 close(In)).
649:- public ssl_verify/5.
658 _ProblemCertificate, _AllCertificates, _FirstCertificate,
659 _Error).
661load_option(DataFormat, BaseURI) -->
662 data_format_option(DataFormat),
663 base_uri_option(BaseURI).
665data_format_option(Var) --> {var(Var)}, !.
666data_format_option(rdfxml) --> [format(xml)].
667data_format_option(ntriples) --> [format(turtle)].
668data_format_option(turtle) --> [format(turtle)].
670base_uri_option(Var) --> {var(Var)}, !.
671base_uri_option(URI) --> [base_uri(URI)].
678remove_statements(Request) :-
679 http_parameters(Request,
680 [ repository(Repository, [optional(true)]),
681 resultFormat(ResultFormat),
682 683 subject(Subject, [optional(true)]),
684 predicate(Predicate, [optional(true)]),
685 object(Object, [optional(true)]),
686 687 baseURI(BaseURI),
688 dataFormat(DataFormat),
689 data(Data, [optional(true)])
690 ],
691 [ attribute_declarations(attribute_decl)
692 ]),
693 result_format(Request, ResultFormat),
694 instantiated(Subject, SI),
695 instantiated(Predicate, PI),
696 instantiated(Object, OI),
697 authorized_api(write(Repository, remove_statements(SI, PI, OI)),
698 ResultFormat),
700 ( nonvar(Data)
701 -> setup_call_cleanup(( atom_to_memory_file(Data, MemFile),
702 open_memory_file(MemFile, read, Stream,
703 [ free_on_close(true)
704 ])
705 ),
706 ( rdf_guess_data_format(Stream, DataFormat),
707 get_triples(stream(Stream),
708 Triples,
709 [ base_uri(BaseURI),
710 data_format(DataFormat)
711 ])
712 ),
713 close(Stream)),
714 length(Triples, NTriples),
715 debug(removeStatements, 'Removing ~D statements', [NTriples]),
716 api_action(Request,
717 remove_triples(Triples),
718 ResultFormat,
719 'Remove ~D triples'-[NTriples])
720 ; debug(removeStatements, 'removeStatements = ~w',
721 [rdf(Subject, Predicate, Object)]),
723 ntriple_part(Subject, subject, S),
724 ntriple_part(Predicate, predicate, P),
725 ntriple_part(Object, object, O),
727 debug(removeStatements, 'Action = ~q', [rdf_retractall(S,P,O)]),
728 api_action(Request,
729 rdf_retractall(S,P,O),
730 ResultFormat,
731 'Remove statements from ~k'-[rdf(S,P,O)])
732 ).
739remove_triples([rdf(S,P,O)|T]) :-
740 rdf_retractall(S,P,O),
741 remove_triples(T).
743instantiated(X, I) :-
744 ( var(X)
745 -> I = (-)
746 ; I = (+)
747 ).
749ntriple_part(In, _, _) :-
750 var(In),
751 !.
752ntriple_part('', _, _) :- !.
753ntriple_part(In, Field, Out) :-
754 atom_codes(In, Codes),
755 phrase(rdf_ntriple_part(Field, Out), Codes),
756 !.
757ntriple_part(Text, Field, _) :-
758 throw(error(type_error(ntriples(Field), Text),
759 context(_,
760 'Field must be in N-triples notation'))).
770rdf_ntriple_part(subject, Subject) -->
771 subject(Subject).
772rdf_ntriple_part(predicate, Predicate) -->
773 predicate(Predicate).
774rdf_ntriple_part(object, Object) -->
775 object(Object).
777subject(Subject) -->
778 uniref(Subject),
779 !.
780subject(Subject) -->
781 node_id(Subject).
783predicate(Predicate) -->
784 uniref(Predicate).
786object(Object) -->
787 uniref(Object),
788 !.
789object(Object) -->
790 node_id(Object).
791object(Object) -->
792 literal(Object).
795uniref(URI) -->
796 "<",
797 escaped_uri_codes(Codes),
798 ">",
799 !,
800 { atom_codes(URI, Codes)
801 }.
803node_id(node(Id)) --> 804 "_:",
805 name_start(C0),
806 name_codes(Codes),
807 { atom_codes(Id, [C0|Codes])
808 }.
810literal(Literal) -->
811 lang_string(Literal),
812 !.
813literal(Literal) -->
814 xml_string(Literal).
822name_start(C) -->
823 [C],
824 { code_type(C, alpha)
825 }.
827name_codes([C|T]) -->
828 [C],
829 { code_type(C, alnum)
830 },
831 !,
832 name_codes(T).
833name_codes([]) -->
834 [].
841escaped_uri_codes([]) -->
842 [].
843escaped_uri_codes([C|T]) -->
844 "%", [D0,D1],
845 !,
846 { code_type(D0, xdigit(V0)),
847 code_type(D1, xdigit(V1)),
848 C is V0<<4 + V1
849 },
850 escaped_uri_codes(T).
851escaped_uri_codes([C|T]) -->
852 "\\u", [D0,D1,D2,D3],
853 !,
854 { code_type(D0, xdigit(V0)),
855 code_type(D1, xdigit(V1)),
856 code_type(D2, xdigit(V2)),
857 code_type(D3, xdigit(V3)),
858 C is V0<<12 + V1<<8 + V2<<4 + V3
859 },
860 escaped_uri_codes(T).
861escaped_uri_codes([C|T]) -->
862 "\\U", [D0,D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7],
863 !,
864 { code_type(D0, xdigit(V0)),
865 code_type(D1, xdigit(V1)),
866 code_type(D2, xdigit(V2)),
867 code_type(D3, xdigit(V3)),
868 code_type(D4, xdigit(V4)),
869 code_type(D5, xdigit(V5)),
870 code_type(D6, xdigit(V6)),
871 code_type(D7, xdigit(V7)),
872 C is V0<<28 + V1<<24 + V2<<20 + V3<<16 +
873 V4<<12 + V5<<8 + V6<<4 + V7
874 },
875 escaped_uri_codes(T).
876escaped_uri_codes([C|T]) -->
877 [C],
878 escaped_uri_codes(T).
884lang_string(String) -->
885 "\"",
886 string(Codes),
887 "\"",
888 !,
889 { atom_codes(Atom, Codes)
890 },
891 ( langsep
892 -> language(Lang),
893 { String = literal(lang(Lang, Atom))
894 }
895 ; "^^"
896 -> uniref(Type),
897 { String = literal(type(Type, Atom))
898 }
899 ; { String = literal(Atom)
900 }
901 ).
903langsep -->
904 "-".
905langsep -->
906 "@".
912xml_string(xml(String)) -->
913 "xml\"", 914 string(Codes),
915 "\"",
916 { atom_codes(String, Codes)
917 }.
919string([]) -->
920 [].
921string([C0|T]) -->
922 string_char(C0),
923 string(T).
925string_char(0'\\) -->
926 "\\\\".
927string_char(0'") -->
928 "\\\"".
929string_char(10) -->
930 "\\n".
931string_char(13) -->
932 "\\r".
933string_char(9) -->
934 "\\t".
935string_char(C) -->
936 "\\u",
937 '4xdigits'(C).
938string_char(C) -->
939 "\\U",
940 '4xdigits'(C0),
941 '4xdigits'(C1),
942 { C is C0<<16 + C1
943 }.
944string_char(C) -->
945 [C].
947'4xdigits'(C) -->
948 [C0,C1,C2,C3],
949 { code_type(C0, xdigit(V0)),
950 code_type(C1, xdigit(V1)),
951 code_type(C2, xdigit(V2)),
952 code_type(C3, xdigit(V3)),
954 C is V0<<12 + V1<<8 + V2<<4 + V3
955 }.
961language(Lang) -->
962 lang_code(C0),
963 lang_codes(Codes),
964 { atom_codes(Lang, [C0|Codes])
965 }.
967lang_code(C) -->
968 [C],
969 { C \== 0'.,
970 \+ code_type(C, white)
971 }.
973lang_codes([C|T]) -->
974 lang_code(C),
975 !,
976 lang_codes(T).
977lang_codes([]) -->
978 [].
985add_prefix(Request) :-
986 http_parameters(Request,
987 [ prefix(Prefix),
988 uri(URI),
989 repository(Repository),
990 resultFormat(ResultFormat)
991 ],
992 [ attribute_declarations(attribute_decl)
993 ]),
994 authorized_api(write(Repository, add_prefix), ResultFormat),
995 check_prefix(Prefix),
996 api_action(Request,
997 rdf_register_prefix(Prefix, URI),
998 ResultFormat,
999 'Register prefix ~w --> ~w'-[Prefix, URI]).
1001del_prefix(Request) :-
1002 http_parameters(Request,
1003 [ prefix(Prefix),
1004 repository(Repository),
1005 resultFormat(ResultFormat)
1006 ],
1007 [ attribute_declarations(attribute_decl)
1008 ]),
1009 authorized_api(write(Repository, del_prefix), ResultFormat),
1010 ( rdf_current_prefix(Prefix, URI)
1011 -> api_action(Request,
1012 rdf_unregister_prefix(Prefix),
1013 ResultFormat,
1014 'Removed prefix ~w (was ~w)'-[Prefix, URI])
1015 ; api_action(Request,
1016 true,
1017 ResultFormat,
1018 'Prefix ~w was unknown'-[Prefix])
1019 ).
1021:- if(\+current_predicate(rdf_unregister_prefix/1)). 1022rdf_unregister_prefix(Prefix) :-
1023 retractall(rdf_db:ns(Prefix, _)).
1024:- endif. 1025
1026check_prefix(Prefix) :-
1027 xml_name(Prefix),
1028 !.
1029check_prefix(Prefix) :-
1030 domain_error(xml_name, Prefix).
1043 [ optional(true),
1044 description('Name of the repository (ignored)')
1045 ]).
1047 [ description('SPARQL or SeRQL quer-text')
1048 ]).
1050 [ default('SPARQL'),
1051 oneof(['SeRQL', 'SPARQL']),
1052 description('Query language used in query-text')
1053 ]).
1055 [ default(rdfxml),
1056 oneof([ rdfxml,
1057 ntriples,
1058 n3
1059 ]),
1060 description('Serialization for graph-data')
1061 ]).
1063 [ optional(true),
1064 oneof([ xml,
1065 html,
1066 rdf,
1067 json,
1068 csv
1069 ]),
1070 description('Serialization format of the result')
1071 ]).
1073 [ default(ns),
1074 oneof([ plain,
1075 ns,
1076 nslabel
1077 ]),
1078 description('How to format URIs in the table')
1079 ]).
1080attribute_decl(entailment, 1081 [ default(Default),
1082 oneof(Es),
1083 description('Reasoning performed')
1084 ]) :-
1085 setting(cliopatria:default_entailment, Default),
1086 findall(E, cliopatria:entailment(E, _), Es).
1088 [ optional(true),
1089 oneof([rdfxml, ntriples, turtle]),
1090 description('Serialization of the data')
1091 ]).
1093 [ default('http://example.org/'),
1094 description('Base URI for relative resources')
1095 ]).
1097 [ description('Name of the graph')
1098 ]).
1100 [ description('Verify the data (ignored)')
1101 | Options
1102 ]) :-
1103 bool(off, Options).
1105 [ description('Include schema RDF in downloaded graph')
1106 | Options
1107 ]) :-
1108 bool(off, Options).
1110 [ description('Include non-schema RDF in downloaded graph')
1111 | Options
1112 ]) :-
1113 bool(off, Options).
1115 [ description('Do not include entailed triples')
1116 | Options
1117 ]) :-
1118 bool(off, Options).
1120 [ description('Produce human-readable output (ignored; we always do that)')
1121 | Options
1122 ]) :-
1123 bool(off, Options).
1125 [ description('User name')
1126 ]).
1128 [ description('Clear-text password')
1129 ]).
1131 1132attribute_decl(storeAs,
1133 [ default(''),
1134 description('Store query under this name')
1135 ]).
1137 [ description('Modify persistency of a graph'),
1138 oneof([on, off])
1139 ]).
1141 [ description('URI')
1142 ]).
1144 [ description('Prefix (abbreviation)')
1145 ]).
1148 [ default(Def),
1149 oneof([on, off])
1150 ]).
1155result_format(_Request, Format) :-
1156 atom(Format),
1157 !.
1158result_format(Request, _Format) :-
1159 memberchk(accept(Accept), Request),
1160 debug(sparql(result), 'Got accept = ~q', [Accept]),
1161 fail.
1162result_format(_Request, xml).
1165accept_output_format(Request, Format) :-
1166 memberchk(accept(Accept), Request),
1167 ( atom(Accept)
1168 -> http_parse_header_value(accept, Accept, Media)
1169 ; Media = Accept
1170 ),
1171 find_media(Media, Format),
1172 !.
1173accept_output_format(_, xml).
1175find_media([media(Type, _, _, _)|T], Format) :-
1176 ( sparql_media(Type, Format)
1177 -> true
1178 ; find_media(T, Format)
1179 ).
1181sparql_media(application/'sparql-results+xml', xml).
1182sparql_media(application/'sparql-results+json', json).
1193api_action(Request, G, html, Message) :-
1194 !,
1195 call_showing_messages(
1196 api_action2(Request, G, html, Message),
1197 [ header(h4(Message)),
1198 footer([])
1199 ]).
1200api_action(Request, G, Format, Message) :-
1201 api_action2(Request, G, Format, Message).
1203api_action2(_Request, G, Format, Message) :-
1204 logged_on(User, anonymous),
1205 get_time(T0), T is integer(T0),
1206 statistics(cputime, CPU0),
1207 rdf_statistics(triples(Triples0)),
1208 subjects(Subjects0),
1209 run(G, sesame(User, T)),
1210 subjects(Subjects1),
1211 rdf_statistics(triples(Triples1)),
1212 statistics(cputime, CPU1),
1213 CPU is CPU1 - CPU0,
1214 Triples is Triples1 - Triples0,
1215 Subjects is Subjects1 - Subjects0,
1216 done(Format, Message, CPU, Subjects, Triples).
1218:- if(rdf_statistics(subjects(_))). 1219subjects(Count) :- rdf_statistics(subjects(Count)).
1220subj_label --> html('Subjects').
1221:- else. 1222subjects(Count) :- rdf_statistics(resources(Count)).
1223subj_label --> html('Resources').
1224:- endif. 1225
1226:- meta_predicate
1227 run(0, +). 1228
1229run(M:(A,B), Log) :-
1230 !,
1231 run(M:A, Log),
1232 run(M:B, Log).
1233run(Goal, _) :-
1234 no_transaction(Goal),
1235 !,
1236 call(Goal).
1237run(A, Log) :-
1238 rdf_transaction(A, Log).
1245done(html, _Message, CPU, Subjects, Triples) :-
1246 after_messages([ \result_table(CPU, Subjects, Triples)
1247 ]).
1248done(Format, _:Message, CPU, Subjects, Triples) :-
1249 !,
1250 done(Format, Message, CPU, Subjects, Triples).
1251done(json, Fmt-Args, _CPU, _Subjects, _Triples) :-
1252 format(string(Message), Fmt, Args),
1253 format('Content-type: application/json~n~n'),
1254 json_write(current_output,
1255 json([transaction=
1256 json([status=
1257 json([msg=Message])])])),
1258 format('~n').
1259done(xml, Fmt-Args, _CPU, _Subjects, _Triples) :-
1260 format(string(Message), Fmt, Args),
1261 format('Content-type: text/xml~n~n'),
1262 format('<transaction>~n'),
1263 format(' <status>~n'),
1264 format(' <msg>~w</msg>~n', [Message]),
1265 format(' </status>~n'),
1266 format('</transaction>~n').
1267done(Format, Fmt-Args, _CPU, _Subjects, _Triples) :-
1268 format('Content-type: text/plain~n~n'),
1269 format('resultFormat=~w not yet supported~n~n', Format),
1270 format(Fmt, Args).
1277result_table(CPU, Subjects, Triples) -->
1278 { rdf_statistics(triples(TriplesNow)),
1279 subjects(SubjectsNow)
1280 },
1281 html([ h4('Operation completed'),
1282 table([ id('result'),
1283 class(block)
1284 ],
1285 [ tr([td(class(empty), ''), th('+/-'), th('now')]),
1286 tr([th(class(p_name), 'CPU time'),
1287 \nc('~3f', CPU), td('')]),
1288 tr([th(class(p_name), \subj_label),
1289 \nc('~D', Subjects), \nc('~D', SubjectsNow)]),
1290 tr([th(class(p_name), 'Triples'),
1291 \nc('~D', Triples), \nc('~D', TriplesNow)])
1292 ])
1293 ]).
1300authorized_api(Action, ResultFormat) :-
1301 ResultFormat == html, 1302 !,
1303 authorized(Action).
1304authorized_api(Action, _) :-
1305 logged_on(User, anonymous),
1306 check_permission(User, Action)