/* Part of ClioPatria SeRQL and SPARQL server Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2010-2018, University of Amsterdam, VU University Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(url_cache, [ url_cache/3, % +URI, -File, -MimeType url_cache_file/4, % +URL, +Dir, +Ext, -Path) url_cache_delete/1, % +URI url_cached/2, % ?URL, ?Property url_cached/3, % +Dir, ?URL, ?Property url_cache_reset_server_status/0, url_cache_reset_server_status/1 % +Server ]). :- use_module(library(http/http_open)). :- if(exists_source(library(http/http_ssl_plugin))). :- use_module(library(http/http_ssl_plugin)). :- endif. :- use_module(library(http/mimetype)). :- use_module(library(url)). :- use_module(library(debug)). :- use_module(library(error)). :- use_module(library(settings)). :- use_module(library(base64)). :- use_module(library(utf8)). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(sha)). :- setting(cache:url_cache_directory, atom, 'cache/url', 'Directory to cache fetched remote URLs'). /** Cache the content of external URLs in local files This library provides a cache for data stored in extenal URLs. The content of each URL is kept in a file and described by a meta-file that remembers the mime-type, the original URL, when it was fetched and -if provided by the server- the last-modified stamp. @tbd The current implementation does not validate the cache content, nor does it honour the HTTP cache directives. */ %! url_cache(+URI:atom, -Path:atom, -MimeType:atom) is det. % % Return the content of URI in a file at Path. MimeType is the % Mime-type returned by the server. % % @error existence_error(url, URL) % Server did not respond with 200 OK % @error existence_error(source_sink, url_cache(.)) % Cache directory does not exist % @bug Does not check modification time and cache validity url_cache(URL, Path, MimeType) :- url_cache_dir(Dir), url_cache_file(URL, Dir, url, Path), atom_concat(Path, '.meta', TypeFile), ( exists_file(Path), exists_file(TypeFile), read_meta_file(TypeFile, mime_type(MimeType0)) -> MimeType = MimeType0 ; fetch_url(URL, Path, MimeType, Modified), get_time(NowF), Now is round(NowF), open(TypeFile, write, Out, [ encoding(utf8), lock(write) ]), format(Out, 'mime_type(~q).~n\c url(~q).~n\c fetched(~q).~n', [MimeType, URL, Now]), ( nonvar(Modified) -> format(Out, 'last_modified(~q).~n', [Modified]) ; true ), close(Out) ). read_meta_file(MimeFile, Term) :- setup_call_cleanup(open(MimeFile, read, In, [ encoding(utf8), lock(read) ]), ndet_read(In, Term), close(In)). ndet_read(Stream, Term) :- repeat, read(Stream, Term0), ( Term0 == end_of_file -> !, fail ; Term = Term0 ). %! url_cache_delete(+URL) is det. % % Delete an URL from the cache. Succeeds, even if the cache files % do not exist. % % @error Throws exceptions from delete_file/1 other than % existence errors. url_cache_delete(URL) :- url_cache_dir(Dir), url_cache_file(URL, Dir, url, Path), atom_concat(Path, '.meta', TypeFile), catch(delete_file(TypeFile), E0, true), catch(delete_file(Path), E1, true), error_ok(E0), error_ok(E1). error_ok(E) :- subsumes_term(error(existence_error(file, _), _), E), !. error_ok(E) :- throw(E). %! url_cache_dir(-Dir) is det % % Return or create the URL caching directory url_cache_dir(Dir) :- setting(cache:url_cache_directory, Dir), make_directory_path(Dir). %! make_directory_path(+Dir) is det. % % Create Dir and all required components. make_directory_path(Dir) :- make_directory_path_2(Dir), !. make_directory_path(Dir) :- permission_error(create, directory, Dir). make_directory_path_2(Dir) :- exists_directory(Dir), !. make_directory_path_2(Dir) :- Dir \== (/), !, file_directory_name(Dir, Parent), make_directory_path_2(Parent), make_directory(Dir). %! fetch_url(+URL:atom, +Path:atom, -MimeType:atom) is det. % % @error existence_error(url, URL) fetch_url(URL, File, MimeType, Modified) :- parse_url_ex(URL, Parts), server(Parts, Server), ( allow(Server) -> true ; throw(error(existence_error(url, URL), context(url_cache/3, 'Too many errors from server'))) ), get_time(Now), ( catch(fetch_url_raw(URL, File, MimeType, Modified), E, true) -> ( var(E) -> register_stats(Server, Now, true) ; register_stats(Server, Now, error(E)), throw(E) ) ; register_stats(Server, Now, false) ). server(Parts, Server) :- memberchk(host(Host), Parts), !, ( memberchk(port(Port), Parts) -> Server = Host:Port ; Server = Host ). server(_,_) :- assertion(false). /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Server status assessment. We keep a health-status of the server using the following rules: * Range -100 .. 100 * Ok if > 0 * The initial status is 100 (healthy) * Possitive results add 20-4*sqrt(Time) * Negative results subtract 10 * Add 1 per minute since last status. TBD: frequency matters: requests should not pile up. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ :- dynamic server_status/3. % Server, Status, Last allow(Server) :- server_status(Server, Status), debug(url_cache, 'Status ~q: ~w', [Server, Status]), Status > 0. server_status(Server, Status) :- get_time(Now), with_mutex(url_cache_status, server_status(Server, S0, T0)), !, Status is min(100, S0 + round(Now-T0)//60). server_status(_, 100). register_stats(Server, Start, Result) :- get_time(Now), Time is Now - Start, ( server_status(Server, S0, T0) -> true ; S0 = 100, T0 = Now ), Since is Start - T0, update_status(Result, Time, Since, S0, S1), with_mutex(url_cache_status, ( retractall(server_status(Server, _, _)), assert(server_status(Server, S1, Start)))). update_status(true, Time, Since, S0, S) :- !, S is min(100, S0 + round(20-4*sqrt(Time)) + round(Since)//60). update_status(_, Time, _Since, S0, S) :- !, S is max(-100, S0 - (10 + round(Time))). %! url_cache_reset_server_status is det. %! url_cache_reset_server_status(+Server) is det. % % Reset the status of the given server or all servers. url_cache_reset_server_status :- with_mutex(url_cache_status, retractall(server_status(_,_,_))). url_cache_reset_server_status(Server) :- must_be(atom, Server), with_mutex(url_cache_status, retractall(server_status(Server,_,_))). %! fetch_url_raw(+URL:atom, +Path:atom, -MimeType:atom, -Modified) is det. % % Fetch data from URL and put it into the file Path. MimeType is % unified with the MIME-type as reported by the server or % text/plain if the server did not provide a MIME-Type. % % @error existence_error(url, URL) fetch_url_raw(URL, File, MimeType, Modified) :- debug(url_cache, 'Downloading ~w ...', [URL]), atom_concat(File, '.tmp', TmpFile), ( catch(fetch_to_file(URL, TmpFile, Code, Header), E, true) -> true ; E = predicate_failed(http_get/3) ), ( var(E) -> true ; ( debugging(url_cache) -> print_message(error, E) ; true ), catch(delete_file(TmpFile), _, true), ( debugging(url_cache) -> message_to_string(E, Msg), debug(url_cache, 'Download failed: ~w', [Msg]) ; true ), throw(E) ), ( Code == 200 -> rename_file(TmpFile, File) ; catch(delete_file(TmpFile), _, true), throw(error(existence_error(url, URL), _)) ), ( memberchk(content_type(MimeType0), Header) -> true ; MimeType0 = 'text/plain' ), ignore(memberchk(last_modified(Modified), Header)), debug(url_cache, 'Downloaded ~w, mime-type: ~w', [URL, MimeType0]), MimeType = MimeType0. fetch_to_file(URL, File, Code, [ content_type(ContentType), last_modified(LastModified) ]) :- setup_call_cleanup( open(File, write, Out, [ type(binary) ]), setup_call_cleanup( http_open(URL, In, [ header(content_type, ContentType), header(last_modified, LastModified), status_code(Code), cert_verify_hook(ssl_verify) ]), copy_stream_data(In, Out), close(In)), close(Out)). :- public ssl_verify/5. %! ssl_verify(+SSL, +ProblemCert, +AllCerts, +FirstCert, +Error) % % Currently we accept all certificates. ssl_verify(_SSL, _ProblemCertificate, _AllCertificates, _FirstCertificate, _Error). parse_url_ex(URL, Parts) :- is_list(URL), !, Parts = URL. parse_url_ex(URL, Parts) :- parse_url(URL, Parts), !. parse_url_ex(URL, _) :- domain_error(url, URL). %! url_cache_file(+URL, +Dir, +Ext, -Path) is det % % Determine location of cache-file for the given URL in Dir. If % Ext is provided, the returned Path is ensured to have the % specified extension. url_cache_file(URL, Dir, Ext, Path) :- url_to_file(URL, Ext, File), sub_atom(File, 0, 2, _, L1), ensure_dir(Dir, L1, Dir1), sub_atom(File, 2, 2, _, L2), ensure_dir(Dir1, L2, Dir2), sub_atom(File, 4, _, 0, LocalFile), atomic_list_concat([Dir2, /, LocalFile], Path). ensure_dir(D0, Sub, Dir) :- atomic_list_concat([D0, /, Sub], Dir), ( exists_directory(Dir) -> true ; make_directory(Dir) ). %! url_to_file(+URL, +Ext, -File) is det. % % File is a filename for storing URL and has extension Ext. We use % a cryptographic hash to ensure consistent naming, a name that is % guaranteed to fit in every sensible filesystem and ensure a good % distribution of the cache directories. url_to_file(URL, Ext, File) :- sha_hash(URL, Hash, []), phrase(hex_digits(Hash), Codes), string_to_list(String, Codes), file_name_extension(String, Ext, File). hex_digits([]) --> "". hex_digits([H|T]) --> byte(H), hex_digits(T). byte(Byte) --> { High is (Byte>>4) /\ 0xf, Low is (Byte /\ 0xf), code_type(H, xdigit(High)), code_type(L, xdigit(Low)) }, [H,L]. /******************************* * READ CACHE * *******************************/ %! url_cached(?URL, ?Property) is nondet. %! url_cached(+Dir, ?URL, ?Property) is nondet. % % True if URL is in the cache represented by the directory Dir and % has Property. Defined properties are: % % * file(-File) % File is the cache-file for the given URL % * mime_type(-Mime) % Mime is the mime-type of the URL as reported by the server % * fetched(-Stamp:integer) % Timestamp that specifies when the URL was fetched % * last_modified(-Modified:atom) % If present, this is the modification time as provided by % the server. url_cached(URL, Property) :- url_cache_dir(Dir), url_cached(Dir, URL, Property). url_cached(Dir, URL, Property) :- nonvar(URL), !, url_cache_file(URL, Dir, url, Path), atom_concat(Path, '.meta', MetaFile), exists_file(MetaFile), cache_file_property(Property, MetaFile). url_cached(Dir, URL, Property) :- nonvar(Property), Property = file(File), atom(File), atom_concat(Dir, Rest, File), \+ sub_atom(Rest, _, _, _, '../'), file_name_extension(Base, url, File), file_name_extension(Base, meta, MetaFile), exists_file(MetaFile), once(read_meta_file(MetaFile, url(URL))). url_cached(Dir, URL, Property) :- atom_concat(Dir, '/??', TopPat), expand_file_name(TopPat, TopDirs), member(TopDir, TopDirs), atom_concat(TopDir, '/??', DirPat), expand_file_name(DirPat, FileDirs), member(FileDir, FileDirs), atom_concat(FileDir, '/*.meta', FilePat), expand_file_name(FilePat, MetaFiles), member(MetaFile, MetaFiles), once(read_meta_file(MetaFile, url(URL))), check_cache_file(MetaFile, URL), cache_file_property(Property, MetaFile). check_cache_file(MetaFile, URL) :- file_name_extension(File, meta, MetaFile), ( exists_file(File) -> true ; print_message(warning, url_cache(no_file(File, MetaFile, URL))), delete_file(MetaFile), fail ). cache_file_property(Property, MetaFile) :- var(Property), !, cache_file_property_ndet(Property, MetaFile). cache_file_property(Property, MetaFile) :- cache_file_property_ndet(Property, MetaFile), !. cache_file_property_ndet(file(File), MetaFile) :- file_name_extension(File, meta, MetaFile). cache_file_property_ndet(P, MetaFile) :- read_meta_file(MetaFile, P), P \= url(_). /******************************* * MESSAGES * *******************************/ :- multifile prolog:message//1. prolog:message(url_cache(no_file(File, _MetaFile, URL))) --> [ 'URL Cache: file ~q does not exist (URL=~q)'-[File, URL] ].