Table for the 8 triples for predicate cpack:description with domain cpack:Library

?:find_resource"The package description goes here. You can use PlDoc Wiki markup. "
?:jquery"The jQuery package provides the jQuery files as well as library(jquery), which deals with dependency handling between jQuery resources and will also contain utilities to simplify jQuery interaction. "
?:owl"This package provides a collection of libraries to deal with OWL related tasks, mostly reasoning with OWL-properties. "
?:statistics"This package is intended to collect libraries compute statistics over various datasets. It is currently almost empty. "
?:versioned_graph"Library to version RDF named graphs. In the normal GIT model every commit object refers to a tree object, which represents a complete snapshot of the project directory tree. Trees are recursive structures of other tree objects (subdirectories) and hashes of blobs (storing the contents of files in the dir). In this library every commit also refers to a tree object, but this represents a complete snapshot of all tracked named graphs in the triple store. A tree thus describes the urls of the named graphs with hashes of the blobs which store the actual triples of each named graph. The backend storage is by default done in a normal git repo, but this can be switched to a triple-based storage model where each git object is represented by a named graph in the triple store (node that this can lead to many named graphs). The current implementation naively copies entire graphs, which is fine in the git backend, which is build to deal with this. It explodes, however, when blobs are materialized into RDF. We will need to look into smarter solutions for this later. "
?:webaccess"This library deals with accessing external web-resources: extracting meta-data such as existence, manage thumbnails, etc. "
?:xmlrdf"The XML to RDF convertor allows for importing XML as RDF using two steps: 1. A generic translation from XML to RDF. This generally needs no configuration but it allows for a few parameters: - Define the primary record element - Define the target namespace - Define elements that must be kept as XMLLiteral 2. Preform a rewrite on the generated graph using a Prolog based rewrite language. "
?:yui3"Package to simplify the use of YUI3 in Cliopatria apps, including switching from remote to local deployment of YUI3. "