
Prolog files  -- Aggregation operators on backtrackable predicatesShow source  -- Print decorated text to ANSI consolesShow source
apply.plShow source
convlist/3Similar to maplist/3, but elements for which call(Goal, ElemIn, _) fails are omitted from ListOut.Source
exclude/3Filter elements for which Goal fails.Source
foldl/4Fold an ensemble of m (0 <= m <= 4) lists of length n head-to-tail ("fold-left"), using columns of m list elements as arguments for Goal.Source
foldl/5Fold an ensemble of m (0 <= m <= 4) lists of length n head-to-tail ("fold-left"), using columns of m list elements as arguments for Goal.Source
foldl/6Fold an ensemble of m (0 <= m <= 4) lists of length n head-to-tail ("fold-left"), using columns of m list elements as arguments for Goal.Source
foldl/7Fold an ensemble of m (0 <= m <= 4) lists of length n head-to-tail ("fold-left"), using columns of m list elements as arguments for Goal.Source
include/3Filter elements for which Goal succeeds.Source
maplist/2True if Goal is successfully applied on all matching elements of the list.Source
maplist/3True if Goal is successfully applied on all matching elements of the list.Source
maplist/4True if Goal is successfully applied on all matching elements of the list.Source
maplist/5True if Goal is successfully applied on all matching elements of the list.Source
partition/4Filter elements of List according to Pred.Source
partition/5Filter List according to Pred in three sets.Source
scanl/4Scan an ensemble of m (0 <= m <= 4) lists of length n head-to-tail ("scan-left"), using columns of m list elements as arguments for Goal.Source
scanl/5Scan an ensemble of m (0 <= m <= 4) lists of length n head-to-tail ("scan-left"), using columns of m list elements as arguments for Goal.Source
scanl/6Scan an ensemble of m (0 <= m <= 4) lists of length n head-to-tail ("scan-left"), using columns of m list elements as arguments for Goal.Source
scanl/7Scan an ensemble of m (0 <= m <= 4) lists of length n head-to-tail ("scan-left"), using columns of m list elements as arguments for Goal.Source  -- Goal expansion rules to avoid meta-callingShow source
arithmetic.plShow source
arithmetic_expression_value/2True when Result unifies with the arithmetic result of evaluating Expression.Source
arithmetic_function/1Declare a predicate as an arithmetic function.Source  -- Binary associationsShow source  -- Operations on atomsShow source
identifier_parts/2Parts is a list of atoms that make up Identifier.Source
join_identifier_parts/3Join parts of an identifier according to Style.Source
restyle_identifier/3Restyle an identifier by extracting the alnum substrings and joining them together according to Style.Source  -- Backward compatibilityShow source  -- Base32 encoding and decodingShow source  -- Base64 encoding and decodingShow source  -- Event serviceShow source  -- I/O on Lists of Character CodesShow source
atom_to_chars/2Convert Atom into a list of character codes.Source
atom_to_chars/3Convert Atom into a difference list of character codes.Source
format_to_chars/3Use format/2 to write to a list of character codes.Source
format_to_chars/4Use format/2 to write to a difference list of character codes.Source
number_to_chars/2Convert Atom into a list of character codes.Source
number_to_chars/3Convert Number into a difference list of character codes.Source
open_chars_stream/2Open Codes as an input stream.Source
read_from_chars/2Read Codes into Term.Source
read_term_from_chars/3Read Codes into Term.Source
with_output_to_chars/2Run Goal as with once/1.Source
with_output_to_chars/3Run Goal as with once/1.Source
with_output_to_chars/4Same as with_output_to_chars/3 using an explicit stream.Source
write_to_chars/2Write a term to a code list.Source
write_to_chars/3Write a term to a code list.Source  -- Consistency checkingShow source
check/0Run all consistency checks defined by checker/2.Source
checker/2Register code validation routines.Source
list_autoload/0Report predicates that may be auto-loaded.Source
list_cross_module_calls/0List calls from one module to another using Module:Goal where the callee is not defined exported, public or multifile, i.e., where the callee should be considered private.Source
list_format_errors/0List argument errors for format/2,3.Source
list_format_errors/1List argument errors for format/2,3.Source
list_rationals/0List rational numbers that appear in clauses.Source
list_rationals/1List rational numbers that appear in clauses.Source
list_redefined/0Lists predicates that are defined in the global module user as well as in a normal module; that is, predicates for which the local definition overrules the global default definition.Source
list_strings/0List strings that appear in clauses.Source
list_strings/1List strings that appear in clauses.Source
list_trivial_fails/0List goals that trivially fail because there is no matching clause.Source
list_trivial_fails/1List goals that trivially fail because there is no matching clause.Source
list_undefined/0Report undefined predicates.Source
list_undefined/1Report undefined predicates.Source
list_void_declarations/0List predicates that have declared attributes, but no clauses.Source
string_predicate/1Multifile hook to disable list_strings/0 on the given predicate.Source
trivial_fail_goal/1Multifile hook that tells list_trivial_fails/0 to accept Goal as valid.Source
valid_string_goal/1Multifile hook that qualifies Goal as valid for list_strings/0.Source  -- I/O on Lists of Character CodesShow source
format_to_codes/3Use format/2 to write to a list of character codes.Source
format_to_codes/4Use format/2 to write to a difference list of character codes.Source
open_codes_stream/2Open Codes as an input stream.Source
read_from_codes/2Read Codes into Term.Source
read_term_from_codes/3Read Codes into Term.Source
with_output_to_codes/2Run Goal with as once/1.Source
with_output_to_codes/3Run Goal with as once/1.Source
with_output_to_codes/4As with_output_to_codes/3, but Stream is unified with the temporary stream.Source
write_term_to_codes/3True when Codes is a string that matches the output of write_term/3 using Options.Source
write_term_to_codes/4True when Codes\Tail is a difference list containing the character codes that matches the output of write_term/3 using Options.Source
write_to_codes/2Codes is a list of character codes produced by write/1 on Term.Source
write_to_codes/3Codes is a difference-list of character codes produced by write/1 on Term.Source  -- Co-Logic ProgrammingShow source
coinductive/1The declaration :- coinductive name/arity, ... defines predicates as coinductive.Source  -- Process CSV (Comma-Separated Values) dataShow source  -- Character code classificationShow source
is_digit/3Succeeds if `C' is a digit using `Base' as base and `Weight' represents its value.Source
is_paren/2True if Open is the open-parenthesis of Close.Source
to_lower/2Downcase a character code.Source
to_upper/2Upcase a character code.Source
upper_lower/2True when U is the character code of an uppercase character and L is the character code of the corresponding lowercase character.Source  -- Process dates and timesShow source
debug.plShow source
assertion_failed/2This hook is called if the Goal of assertion/1 fails.
debug_print_hook/3Hook called by debug/3.Source
assertion/1Acts similar to C assert() macro.Source
debug/1Add/remove a topic from being printed.Source
debug/3Format a message if debug topic is enabled.Source
debug_message_context/1Specify additional context for debug messages.Source
debugging/1Examine debug topics.Source
debugging/2Examine debug topics.Source
list_debug_topics/0List currently known topics for debug/3 and their setting.Source
list_debug_topics/1List currently known topics for debug/3 and their setting.Source
nodebug/1Add/remove a topic from being printed.Source  -- Support multiple Prolog dialectsShow source  -- Dict utilitiesShow source
dict_fill/4Implementation for the dicts_to_same_keys/3 OnEmpty closure that fills new cells with a copy of ValueIn.Source
dict_keys/2True when Keys is an ordered set of the keys appearing in Dict.Source
dict_size/2True when KeyCount is the number of keys in Dict.Source
dicts_join/3Join dicts in Dicts that have the same value for Key, provided they do not have conflicting values on other keys.Source
dicts_join/4Join two lists of dicts (Dicts1 and Dicts2) on Key.Source
dicts_same_keys/2True if List is a list of dicts that all have the same keys and Keys is an ordered set of these keys.Source
dicts_same_tag/2True when List is a list of dicts that all have the tag Tag.Source
dicts_slice/3DictsOut is a list of Dicts only containing values for Keys.Source
dicts_to_compounds/4True when Dicts and Compounds are lists of the same length and each element of Compounds is a compound term whose arguments represent the values associated with the corresponding keys in Keys.Source
dicts_to_same_keys/3DictsOut is a copy of DictsIn, where each dict contains all keys appearing in all dicts of DictsIn.Source  -- The dif/2 constraintShow source  -- Some traditional Edinburgh predicatesShow source
debug/0Switch on/off debug mode.Source
display/1Write a term, ignoring operators and special syntax constructs such as brace terms ({a}) and lists ([a,b,c]).Source
display/2Write a term, ignoring operators and special syntax constructs such as brace terms ({a}) and lists ([a,b,c]).Source
fileerrors/2Query and change the fileerrors flag.Source
nodebug/0Switch on/off debug mode.Source
reconsult/1Load source file(s), wiping the old content first.Source
unknown/2Edinburgh Prolog predicate for dealing dealing with undefined procedures.Source  -- Editor interfaceShow source
edit/0Edit associated or script file.Source
edit/1Edit indicated object.Source
edit_command/2This predicate should specify the shell-command called to invoke the user's editor.Source
locate/2Locate object from the specified location.Source
error.plShow source  -- Describe Prolog TermsShow source
explain/1Give an explanation on Term.Source
explain/2True when Explanation is an explanation of Term.Source  -- Fast reading and writing of termsShow source
files.plShow source
can_open_file/2Succeeds if the user has access to `File' in mode `Mode'.Source
chdir/1Change Working Directory.Source  -- Generate unique symbolsShow source  -- Run GIT commandsShow source  -- Hash tablesShow source  -- heaps/priority queuesShow source
add_to_heap/4Adds Key with priority Priority to Heap0, constructing a new heap in Heap.Source
delete_from_heap/4Deletes Key from Heap0, leaving its priority in Priority and the resulting data structure in Heap.Source
empty_heap/1True if Heap is an empty heap.Source
get_from_heap/4Retrieves the minimum-priority pair Priority-Key from Heap0.Source
heap_size/2Determines the number of elements in Heap.Source
heap_to_list/2Constructs a list List of Priority-Element terms, ordered by (ascending) priority.Source
is_heap/1Returns true if X is a heap.Source
list_to_heap/2If List is a list of Priority-Element terms, constructs a heap out of List.Source
merge_heaps/3Merge the two heaps Heap0 and Heap1 in Heap.Source
min_of_heap/3Unifies Key with the minimum-priority element of Heap and Priority with its priority value.Source
min_of_heap/5Gets the two minimum-priority elements from Heap.Source
singleton_heap/3True if Heap is a heap with the single element Priority-Key.Source  -- Text based manualShow source
apropos/1Print objects from the manual whose name or summary match with Query.Source
help/0Show help for What.Source
help/1Show help for What.Source
show_html_hook/1Hook called to display the extracted HTML document.Source  -- Incremental dynamic predicate modificationShow source  -- Intercept and signal interfaceShow source
intercept/3Run Goal as call/1.Source
intercept/4Similar to intercept/3, but the copy of Handler is called as call(Copy,Arg), which allows passing large context arguments or arguments subject to unification or destructive assignment.Source
intercept_all/4True when List contains all instances of Template that have been sent using send_signal/1 where the argument unifies with Ball.Source
nb_intercept_all/4As intercept_all/4, but backtracing inside Goal does not reset List.Source
send_signal/1If this predicate is called from a sub-goal of intercept/3, execute the associated Handler of the intercept/3 environment.Source
send_silent_signal/1As send_signal/1, but succeed silently if there is no matching intercept environment.Source  -- Utilities to deal with streamsShow source  -- Lazy list handlingShow source  -- List programs and pretty print clausesShow source
listing/0Lists all predicates defined in the calling module.Source
listing/1List matching clauses.Source
listing/2List matching clauses.Source
portray_clause/1Portray `Clause' on the current output stream.Source
portray_clause/2Portray `Clause' on the current output stream.Source
portray_clause/3Portray `Clause' on the current output stream.Source
lists.plShow source
append/2Concatenate a list of lists.Source
append/3List1AndList2 is the concatenation of List1 and List2.Source
clumped/2Pairs is a list of Item-Count pairs that represents the run length encoding of Items.Source
delete/3Delete matching elements from a list.Source
flatten/2Is true if FlatList is a non-nested version of NestedList.Source
intersection/3True if Set3 unifies with the intersection of Set1 and Set2.Source
is_set/1True if Set is a proper list without duplicates.Source
last/2Succeeds when Last is the last element of List.Source
list_to_set/2True when Set has the same elements as List in the same order.Source
max_list/2True if Max is the largest number in List.Source
max_member/2True when Max is the largest member in the standard order of terms.Source
max_member/3True when Max is the largest member according to Pred, which must be a 2-argument callable that behaves like (@=<)/2.Source
member/2True if Elem is a member of List.Source
min_list/2True if Min is the smallest number in List.Source
min_member/2True when Min is the smallest member in the standard order of terms.Source
min_member/3True when Min is the smallest member according to Pred, which must be a 2-argument callable that behaves like (@=<)/2.Source
nextto/3True if Y directly follows X in List.Source
nth0/3True when Elem is the Index'th element of List.Source
nth0/4Select/insert element at index.Source
nth1/3Is true when Elem is the Index'th element of List.Source
nth1/4As nth0/4, but counting starts at 1.Source
numlist/3List is a list [Low, Low+1, ... High].Source
permutation/2True when Xs is a permutation of Ys.Source
prefix/2True iff Part is a leading substring of Whole.Source
proper_length/2True when Length is the number of elements in the proper list List.Source
reverse/2Is true when the elements of List2 are in reverse order compared to List1.Source
same_length/2Is true when List1 and List2 are lists with the same number of elements.Source
select/3Is true when List1, with Elem removed, results in List2.Source
select/4Select from two lists at the same position.Source
selectchk/3Semi-deterministic removal of first element in List that unifies with Elem.Source
selectchk/4Semi-deterministic version of select/4.Source
subseq/3Is true when SubList contains a subset of the elements of List in the same order and Complement contains all elements of List not in SubList, also in the order they appear in List.Source
subset/2True if all elements of SubSet belong to Set as well.Source
subtract/3Delete all elements in Delete from Set.Source
sum_list/2Sum is the result of adding all numbers in List.Source
union/3True if Set3 unifies with the union of the lists Set1 and Set2.Source  -- Macro expansionShow source
expand_macros/5Perform macro expansion on TermIn with layout PosIn to produce TermOut with layout PosOut.Source
include_macros/3Include macros from another module.Source
macro_position/1True when Position is the position of the macro.Source  -- Provide entry point for scriptsShow source  -- Reload modified source filesShow source
make/0Reload all source files that have been changed since they were loaded.Source
make_reload_file/1Reload file into the proper module.Source  -- Module utility predicatesShow source
current_temporary_module/1True when we are executing in the given temporary module context.Source
in_temporary_module/3Run Goal on temporary loaded sources and discard the module and loaded predicates after completion.Source  -- Non-backtrackable operations on red black treesShow source
nb_rb_get_node/3True if Node is the node in RBTree associated to Key.Source
nb_rb_insert/3Add Key-Value to the tree RBTree using non-backtrackable destructive assignment.Source
nb_rb_node_value/2Value is the value associated to Node.Source
nb_rb_set_node_value/2Associate Value with Node.Source  -- Non-backtrackable setsShow source
add_nb_set/2Insert Key into the set.Source
add_nb_set/3Insert Key into the set.Source
empty_nb_set/1Create an empty non-backtrackable set.Source
gen_nb_set/2Enumerate the members of a set in the standard order of terms.Source
nb_set_to_list/2Get the elements of a an nb_set.Source
size_nb_set/2Unify Size with the number of elements in the set.Source  -- Finding and counting sub-termsShow source  -- Manage operatorsShow source  -- Option list processingShow source  -- command line parsingShow source
opt_arguments/3Extract commandline options according to a specification.Source
opt_help/2True when Help is a help string synthesized from OptsSpec.Source
opt_parse/4Equivalent to opt_parse(OptsSpec, ApplArgs, Opts, PositionalArgs, []).Source
opt_parse/5Parse the arguments Args (as list of atoms) according to OptsSpec.Source
parse_type/3Hook to parse option text Codes to an object of type Type.Source  -- Ordered set manipulationShow source
is_ordset/1True if Term is an ordered set.Source
list_to_ord_set/2Transform a list into an ordered set.Source
ord_add_element/3Insert an element into the set.Source
ord_del_element/3Delete an element from an ordered set.Source
ord_disjoint/2True if Set1 and Set2 have no common elements.Source
ord_empty/1True when List is the empty ordered set.Source
ord_intersect/2True if both ordered sets have a non-empty intersection.Source
ord_intersect/3Intersection holds the common elements of Set1 and Set2.Source
ord_intersection/2Intersection of a powerset.Source
ord_intersection/3Intersection holds the common elements of Set1 and Set2.Source
ord_intersection/4Intersection and difference between two ordered sets.Source
ord_memberchk/2True if Element is a member of OrdSet, compared using ==.Source
ord_selectchk/3Selectchk/3, specialised for ordered sets.Source
ord_seteq/2True if Set1 and Set2 have the same elements.Source
ord_subset/2Is true if all elements of Sub are in Super.Source
ord_subtract/3Diff is the set holding all elements of InOSet that are not in NotInOSet.Source
ord_symdiff/3Is true when Difference is the symmetric difference of Set1 and Set2.Source
ord_union/2True if Union is the union of all elements in the superset SetOfSets.Source
ord_union/3Union is the union of Set1 and Set2.Source
ord_union/4True iff ord_union(Set1, Set2, Union) and ord_subtract(Set2, Set1, New).Source  -- Ordered set manipulationShow source
oset_addel/3Ordered set element addition.Source
oset_delel/3Ordered set element deletion.Source
oset_diff/3Ordered set difference.Source
oset_dint/2Distributed intersection.Source
oset_dunion/2Distributed union.Source
oset_int/3ordered set intersection.Source
oset_is/1check that OSet in correct format (standard order).Source
oset_power/2True when PSet is the powerset of Set.Source
oset_union/3Union is the union of OSet1 and OSet2.Source  -- Operations on key-value listsShow source
group_pairs_by_key/2Group values with equivalent (==/2) consecutive keys.Source
map_list_to_pairs/3Create a Key-Value list by mapping each element of List.Source
pairs_keys/2Remove the values from a list of Key-Value pairs.Source
pairs_keys_values/3True if Keys holds the keys of Pairs and Values the values.Source
pairs_values/2Remove the keys from a list of Key-Value pairs.Source
transpose_pairs/2Swap Key-Value to Value-Key.Source  -- Provide persistent dynamic predicatesShow source  -- Portray textShow source
portray_text/1Switch portraying on or off.Source
set_portray_text/2Set options for portraying.Source
set_portray_text/3Set options for portraying.Source  -- Pretty Print Prolog termsShow source  -- Access and analyse predicate optionsShow source  -- Autoload all dependenciesShow source  -- Manage Prolog break-pointsShow source
breakpoint_property/2True when Property is a property of the breakpoint Id.Source
delete_breakpoint/1Delete breakpoint with given Id.Source
set_breakpoint/4Put a breakpoint at the indicated source-location.Source
set_breakpoint/5Put a breakpoint at the indicated source-location.Source
set_breakpoint_condition/2Set a condition for of the breakpoint with given Id.Source  -- Get detailed source-information about a clauseShow source
clause_info/4Fetches source information for the given clause.Source
clause_info/5Fetches source information for the given clause.Source
clause_name/2Provide a suitable description of the indicated clause.Source
initialization_layout/4Find term-layout of :- initialization directives.Source
make_varnames/5Create a Term varnames(...) where each argument contains the name of the variable at that offset.Source
open_source/2Hook into clause_info/5 that opens the stream holding the source for a specific clause.Source
predicate_name/2Describe a predicate as [Module:]Name/Arity.Source
unify_goal/5This hook is called to fix up source code manipulations that result from goal expansions.Source
unify_term/2Unify the two terms, where T2 is created by writing the term and reading it back in, but be aware that rounding problems may cause floating point numbers not to unify.Source  -- Utilities for reasoning about codeShow source  -- Prolog code walkerShow source
prolog_program_clause/2True when ClauseRef is a reference for clause in the program.Source
prolog_walk_code/1Walk over all loaded (user) Prolog code.Source
subterm_pos/5True when SubTerm is a sub term of Term, compared using Cmp, TermPosition describes the term layout of Term and SubTermPos describes the term layout of SubTerm.Source  -- Prolog syntax colouring support.Show source  -- Provide configuration informationShow source
prolog_config/2Get information on the configuration of the current Prolog system.Source
prolog_dump_runtime_variables/0Dump the current configuration in shell format.Source  -- Coverage analysis toolShow source  -- User level debugging toolsShow source
debug_control_hook/1Allow user-hooks in the Prolog debugger interaction.
debugging/0Report current status of the debugger.Source
debugging_hook/0Multifile hook that is called as forall(debugging_hook, true) and that may be used to extend the information printed from other debugging libraries.Source
nospy/1Set/clear spy-points.Source
nospyall/0Set/clear spy-points.Source
notrap/1Install a trap on error(Formal, Context) exceptions that unify.Source
spy/1Set/clear spy-points.Source
trap/1Install a trap on error(Formal, Context) exceptions that unify.Source
trap_alias/2Define short hands for commonly used exceptions.Source  -- Analyse format specificationsShow source
format_spec/2Parse a format string.Source
format_spec/3DCG for parsing format strings.Source
format_types/2True when Format requires an argument list with terms of the type specified by Types.Source  -- Just In Time Indexing (JITI) utilitiesShow source
jiti_list/0List the JITI (Just In Time Indexes) of selected predicates.Source
jiti_list/1List the JITI (Just In Time Indexes) of selected predicates.Source  -- Infer meta-predicate propertiesShow source
infer_meta_predicate/2True when MetaSpec is a meta-predicate specifier for the predicate Head.Source
inferred_meta_predicate/2True when MetaSpec is an inferred meta-predicate specification for Head.Source  -- A package manager for PrologShow source
pack_info/1Print more detailed information about Pack.Source
pack_install/1Install one or more packs from SpecOrList.Source
pack_install/2Install one or more packs from SpecOrList.Source
pack_install_local/3Install a number of packages in a local directory.Source
pack_list/1Query package server and installed packages and display results.Source
pack_list/2Query package server and installed packages and display results.Source
pack_list_installed/0List currently installed packages and report possible dependency issues.Source
pack_property/2True when Property is a property of an installed Pack.Source
pack_publish/2Publish a package.Source
pack_rebuild/0Rebuild possible foreign components of Pack.Source
pack_rebuild/1Rebuild possible foreign components of Pack.Source
pack_remove/1Remove the indicated package.Source
pack_remove/2Remove the indicated package.Source
pack_search/1Query package server and installed packages and display results.Source
pack_upgrade/1Upgrade Pack.Source
pack_url_file/2True if File is a unique id for the referenced pack and version.Source  -- Execution profilerShow source  -- Examine Prolog source-filesShow source
quasi_quotation_syntax/2True when the quasi quotation syntax Syntax can be loaded from Library.Source
xref_close_source/2Called by prolog_close_source/1 to close a source previously opened by the hook prolog:xref_open_source/2.Source
xref_open_source/2Hook to open an xref SourceID.Source
directory_source_files/3True when Files is a sorted list of Prolog source files in Dir.Source
file_alias_path/2True if file Alias points to Dir.Source
file_name_on_path/2True if OnPath a description of File based on the file search path.Source
load_quasi_quotation_syntax/2Import quasi quotation syntax Syntax from Path into the module specified by the first argument.Source
path_segments_atom/2Translate between a path represented as a/b/c and an atom representing the same path.Source
prolog_canonical_source/2Given a user-specification of a source, generate a unique and indexable identifier for it.Source
prolog_close_source/1Close a stream opened using prolog_open_source/2.Source
prolog_open_source/2Open source with given canonical id (see prolog_canonical_source/2) and remove the #!Source
prolog_read_source_term/4Read a term from a Prolog source-file.Source
read_source_term_at_location/3Try to read a Prolog term form an arbitrary location inside a file.Source
requires_library/2known expansion hooks.Source
valid_term_position/2Check that a Term has an appropriate TermPos layout.Source  -- Examine the Prolog stackShow source
backtrace/1Get and print a stacktrace to the user_error stream.Source
get_prolog_backtrace/2Obtain a backtrace from the current location.Source
get_prolog_backtrace/3Obtain a backtrace from the current location.Source
print_last_choicepoint/0Print details on the last open choice point.Source
print_prolog_backtrace/2Print a stacktrace in human readable form to Stream.Source
print_prolog_backtrace/3Print a stacktrace in human readable form to Stream.Source
prolog_stack_frame_property/2True when Property is a property of Frame.Source
stack_guard/1Dynamic multifile hook that is normally not defined.Source
stack_guard/1Dynamic multifile predicate.Source  -- Print access to predicatesShow source
list_tracing/0List predicates we are currently tracing.Source
notraceall/0Remove all trace points.Source
trace/1Print passes through ports of specified predicates.Source
trace/2Print passes through ports of specified predicates.Source
tracing/2True if Spec is traced using Ports.Source  -- Demand specific (Prolog) versionsShow source
cmp_versions/3Compare to versions.Source
require_prolog_version/2Claim that the running Prolog version is at least version Required and provides the requested Features.Source
require_version/3Require Component to have version CmpRequired, while Component is know to have version Available.Source  -- Wrapping predicatesShow source
current_predicate_wrapper/4True if Head is wrapped with Body.Source
unwrap_predicate/2Remove the outermost wrapper whose name unifies with Name.
wrap_predicate/4Wrap the predicate referenced by Head using Body.Source  -- Prolog cross-referencer data collectionShow source
called_by/2If this succeeds, the cross-referencer assumes Goal may call any of the goals in ListOfCalled.Source
called_by/4True when Called is a list of callable terms called from Goal, handled by the predicate Module:Goal and executed in the context of the module Context.Source
hook/1True if Goal is a hook that is called spontaneously (e.g., from foreign code).Source
meta_goal/2Define meta-predicates.Source
xref_called/3True when By is called from Called in Source.Source
xref_called/4True when By is called from Called in Source.Source
xref_called/5True when By is called from Called in Source.Source
xref_clean/1Reset the database for the given source.Source
xref_comment/3Is true when Source has a section comment with Title and Comment.Source
xref_comment/4Is true when Head in Source has the given PlDoc comment.Source
xref_current_source/1Check what sources have been analysed.Source
xref_defined/3Test if Goal is accessible in Source.Source
xref_definition_line/2If the 3th argument of xref_defined contains line info, return this in Line.Source
xref_done/2Cross-reference executed at Time.Source
xref_exported/2True when Source exports Head.Source
xref_hook/1Definition of known hooks.Source
xref_meta/2True when Called is a list of terms called from Head.Source
xref_meta/3True when Head calls Called in Source.Source
xref_mode/3Is true when Source provides a predicate with Mode and determinism.Source
xref_module/2True if Module is defined in Source.Source
xref_op/2Give the operators active inside the module.Source
xref_option/2True when Source was processed using Option.Source
xref_prolog_flag/4True when Flag is set to Value at Line in Source.Source
xref_public_list/3Find meta-information about File.Source
xref_public_list/4Find meta-information about File.Source
xref_public_list/6Find meta-information about File.Source
xref_public_list/7Find meta-information about File.Source
xref_source/1Generate the cross-reference data for Source if not already done and the source is not modified.Source
xref_source/2Generate the cross-reference data for Source if not already done and the source is not modified.Source
xref_source_file/3Find named source file from Spec, relative to Src.Source
xref_source_file/4Find named source file from Spec, relative to Src.Source
xref_uses_file/3True when Source tries to load a file using Spec.Source  -- Pure Input from files and streamsShow source
lazy_list_character_count/3True when CharCount is the current character count in the Lazy list.Source
lazy_list_location/3Determine current (error) location in a lazy list.Source
phrase_from_file/2Process the content of File using the DCG rule Grammar.Source
phrase_from_file/3As phrase_from_file/2, providing additional Options.Source
phrase_from_stream/2Run Grammer against the character codes on Stream.Source
stream_to_lazy_list/2Create a lazy list representing the character codes in Stream.Source
syntax_error/3Throw the syntax error Error at the current location of the input.Source  -- Save current program as a state or executableShow source
arch_shlib/3This is a user defined hook called by qsave_program/2.Source
qsave_program/1Make a saved state in file `File'.Source
qsave_program/2Make a saved state in file `File'.Source
qsave_toplevel/0Called to handle `-c file` compilaton.Source  -- Define Quasi Quotation syntaxShow source
phrase_from_quasi_quotation/2Process the quasi quotation using the DCG Grammar.Source
quasi_quotation_syntax/1Declare the predicate SyntaxName/4 to implement the the quasi quote syntax SyntaxName.Source
quasi_quotation_syntax_error/1Report syntax_error(Error) using the current location in the quasi quoted input parser.Source
with_quasi_quotation_input/3Process the quasi-quoted Content using Stream parsed by Goal.Source  -- Quintus compatibilityShow source  -- Random numbersShow source
getrand/1Query/set the state of the random generator.Source
maybe/0Succeed/fail with equal probability (variant of maybe/1).Source
maybe/1Succeed with probability P, fail with probability 1-P.Source
maybe/2Succeed with probability K/N (variant of maybe/1).Source
random/1Binds R to a new random float in the open interval (0.0,1.0).Source
random/3Generate a random integer or float in a range.Source
random_between/3Binds R to a random integer in [L,U] (i.e., including both L and U).Source
random_member/2X is a random member of List.Source
random_numlist/4Unify List with an ascending list of integers between L and U (inclusive).Source
random_perm2/4Does X=A,Y=B or X=B,Y=A with equal probability.Source
random_permutation/2Permutation is a random permutation of List.Source
random_select/3Randomly select or insert an element.Source
random_subseq/3Selects a random subsequence Subseq of List, with Complement containing all elements of List that were not selected.Source
randseq/3S is a list of K unique random integers in the range 1..N.Source
randset/3S is a sorted list of K unique random integers in the range 1..N.Source
setrand/1Query/set the state of the random generator.Source  -- Red black treesShow source  -- Read utilitiesShow source  -- Access compound arguments by nameShow source
current_record/2True if Name is the name of a record defined in the module associated with Term and Term is the user-provided record declaration.Source
current_record_predicate/2True if PI is the predicate indicator for an access predicate to Record.Source
record/1Define access predicates for a compound-term.Source  -- Read/write locksShow source  -- Sandboxed Prolog codeShow source
sandbox_allowed_directive/1Throws an exception if G is not considered a safe directive.Source
sandbox_allowed_expansion/1Throws an exception if G is not considered a safe expansion goal.Source
sandbox_allowed_goal/1Throw an exception if it is not safe to call G.Source
format_calls/3Find ~@ calls from Format and Args.Source
safe_call/1Call Goal if it complies with the sandboxing rules.Source
safe_directive/1Hook to declare additional directives as safe.Source
safe_global_variable/1Declare the given global variable safe to write to.Source
safe_goal/1True if calling Goal provides no security risc.Source
safe_primitive/1True if Goal is safe to call (i.e., cannot access dangerous system-resources and cannot upset other parts of the Prolog process).Source
safe_prolog_flag/2True if it is safe to set the flag Flag to Value.Source
settings.plShow source
convert_setting_text/3Converts from textual form to Prolog Value.Source
current_setting/1True if Setting is a currently defined setting.Source
env/2Evaluate environment variables on behalf of arithmetic expressions.Source
env/3Evaluate environment variables on behalf of arithmetic expressions.Source
list_settings/0List settings to current_output.Source
list_settings/1List settings to current_output.Source
load_settings/1Load local settings from File.Source
load_settings/2Load local settings from File.Source
restore_setting/1Restore the value of setting Name to its default.Source
save_settings/0Save modified settings to File.Source
save_settings/1Save modified settings to File.Source
set_setting/2Change a setting.Source
set_setting_default/2Change the default for a setting.Source
setting/2True when Name is a currently defined setting with Value.Source
setting/4Define a setting.Source
setting_property/2Query currently defined settings.Source  -- Elementary shell commandsShow source
cd/0Change working directory.Source
cd/1Change working directory.Source
dirs/0Manage the directory stack:.Source
ls/0Listing similar to Unix =ls -F=, flagging directories with =/=.Source
ls/1Listing similar to Unix =ls -F=, flagging directories with =/=.Source
mv/2Move (Rename) a file.Source
popd/0Manage the directory stack:.Source
pushd/0Manage the directory stack:.Source
pushd/1Manage the directory stack:.Source
pwd/0Print current working directory.Source
rm/1Remove (unlink) a file.Source
shell/0Execute an interactive shell.Source  -- Utility library for loading foreign objects (DLLs, shared objects)Show source  -- Modify solution sequencesShow source
call_nth/2True when Goal succeeded for the Nth time.Source
distinct/1True if Goal is true and no previous solution of Goal bound Witness to the same value.Source
distinct/2True if Goal is true and no previous solution of Goal bound Witness to the same value.Source
group_by/4Group bindings of Template that have the same value for By.Source
limit/2Limit the number of solutions.Source
offset/2Ignore the first Count solutions.Source
order_by/2Order solutions according to Spec.Source
reduced/1Similar to distinct/1, but does not guarantee unique results in return for using a limited amount of memory.Source
reduced/3Similar to distinct/1, but does not guarantee unique results in return for using a limited amount of memory.Source
sort.plShow source
locale_sort/2Sort a list of atoms using the current locale.Source
predsort/3Sorts similar to sort/2, but determines the order of two terms by calling Compare(-Delta, +E1, +E2).Source  -- Get information about resource usageShow source  -- Manage Prolog streamsShow source
with_output_to/3Run Goal and once/1 while capturing all output to all streams (current_output, user_output and user_error) in the string Output.Source  -- String utilitiesShow source
dedent_lines/3Remove shared indentation for all lines in a string.Source
indent_lines/3Add Prefix to the beginning of lines in In.Source
indent_lines/4Similar to indent_lines/3, but only adds Prefix to lines for which call(Filter, Line) succeeds.Source
interpolate_string/4Establish a string from a template by replacing patterns.Source
string/4Implements the quasi quotation syntax string.Source
string_lines/2True when String represents Lines.Source  -- System utilitiesShow source  -- XSB interface to tablesShow source
abolish_table_call/1Same as abolish_table_subgoals/1.Source
abolish_table_call/2Same as abolish_table_subgoals/1.Source
abolish_table_pred/1Invalidates all tabled subgoals for the predicate denoted by the predicate or term indicator Pred.Source
abolish_table_subgoals/2Behaves as abolish_table_subgoals/1, but allows the default table_gc_action to be over-ridden with a flag, which can be either abolish_tables_transitively or abolish_tables_singly.Source
get_call/3True when Trie is an answer trie for a variant of CallTerm.Source
get_calls/3True when Trie is an answer trie for a variant that unifies with CallTerm and Skeleton is the answer skeleton.Source
get_residual/2True if CallTerm appears in a table and has DelayList.Source
get_returns/2True when Return is an answer template for the AnswerTrie.Source
get_returns/3True when Return is an answer template for the AnswerTrie and the answer is represented by the trie node NodeID.Source
get_returns_and_dls/3True when Return appears in AnswerTrie with the given DelayLists.Source
get_returns_and_tvs/3Identical to get_returns/2, but also obtains the truth value of a given answer, setting TruthValue to t if the answer is unconditional and to u if it is conditional.Source
get_returns_for_call/2True if AnswerTerm appears in the tables for the variant CallTerm.Source
set_pil_off/0Dummy predicates for XSB compatibility.Source
set_pil_on/0Dummy predicates for XSB compatibility.Source
t not/1Tabled negation.Source
tfindall/3This predicate emerged in XSB in an attempt to provide a safer alternative to findall/3.Source  -- Term manipulationShow source  -- High level thread primitivesShow source  -- Resource bounded thread managementShow source  -- Interactive thread utilitiesShow source
attach_console/0Create a new console and make the standard Prolog streams point to it.Source
attach_console/1Create a new console and make the standard Prolog streams point to it.Source
interactor/0Run a Prolog toplevel in another thread with a new console window.Source
interactor/1Run a Prolog toplevel in another thread with a new console window.Source
join_threads/0Join all terminated threads.Source
tbacktrace/1Print a backtrace for Thread to the stream user_error of the calling thread.Source
tbacktrace/2Print a backtrace for Thread to the stream user_error of the calling thread.Source
tdebug/0Enable debug-mode, trapping the graphical debugger on reaching spy-points or errors.Source
tdebug/1Enable debug-mode, trapping the graphical debugger on reaching spy-points or errors.Source
thread_has_console/0True when the calling thread has an attached console.Source
thread_run_interactor/0Attach a console and run a Prolog toplevel in the current thread.Source
threads/0List currently known threads with their status.Source
tnodebug/0Disable debug-mode in all threads or the specified Thread.Source
tnodebug/1Disable debug-mode in all threads or the specified Thread.Source
tprofile/1Profile the operation of Thread until the user hits a key.Source
tspy/1Trap the graphical debugger on reaching Spec in the specified or any thread.Source
tspy/2Trap the graphical debugger on reaching Spec in the specified or any thread.Source
xterm_args/1Multifile and dynamic hook that provides (additional) arguments for the xterm(1) process opened for additional thread consoles.Source  -- Terminal operationsShow source
menu/3Show a menu.Source
tty_clear/0Clear the display.Source
tty_flash/0Give visual signal if possible, otherwise beep.Source  -- Graph manipulation libraryShow source
add_edges/3Unify NewGraph with a new graph obtained by adding the list of Edges to Graph.Source
add_vertices/3Unify NewGraph with a new graph obtained by adding the list of Vertices to Graph.Source
complement/2UGraphOut is a ugraph with an edge between all vertices that are not connected in UGraphIn and all edges from UGraphIn removed.Source
compose/3Compose NewGraph by connecting the drains of LeftGraph to the sources of RightGraph.Source
connect_ugraph/3Adds Start as an additional vertex that is connected to all vertices in UGraphIn.Source
del_edges/3Unify NewGraph with a new graph obtained by removing the list of Edges from Graph.Source
del_vertices/3Unify NewGraph with a new graph obtained by deleting the list of Vertices and all the edges that start from or go to a vertex in Vertices to the Graph.Source
edges/2Unify Edges with all edges appearing in Graph.Source
neighbors/3Neigbours is a sorted list of the neighbours of Vertex in Graph.Source
neighbours/3Neigbours is a sorted list of the neighbours of Vertex in Graph.Source
reachable/3True when Vertices is an ordered set of vertices reachable in UGraph, including Vertex.Source
top_sort/2Sort vertices topologically.Source
transitive_closure/2Generate the graph Closure as the transitive closure of Graph.Source
transpose_ugraph/2Unify NewGraph with a new graph obtained from Graph by replacing all edges of the form V1-V2 by edges of the form V2-V1.Source
ugraph_layers/2Sort vertices topologically.Source
ugraph_union/3NewGraph is the union of Graph1 and Graph2.Source
vertices/2Unify Vertices with all vertices appearing in Graph.Source
vertices_edges_to_ugraph/3Create a UGraph from Vertices and edges.Source  -- Analysing and constructing URLShow source  -- UTF-8 encoding/decoding on lists of character codes.Show source  -- Utilities for numbered termsShow source  -- Well Founded Semantics interfaceShow source
answer_residual/2True when Goal resolves to a tabled predicate and Residual is the residual goal associated with an answer for Goal.Source
call_delays/2True when Goal is true with Delays.Source
call_residual_program/2Call Goal and return the full residual program as a list of Clauses.Source
delays_residual_program/2Given a delay as returned by call_delays/2, produce a set of clauses the represents the complete residual program responsible for these delays, The program contains at least one loop through tnot/1 and is either inconsistent or has multiple models according to the stable model semantics.Source  -- Conditional coroutiningShow source  -- Console window menuShow source  -- Old-style formatted writeShow source  -- Open a URL in the users browserShow source  -- Lambda expressionsShow source
//2Shorthand for Free/[]>>Lambda.Source
//3Shorthand for Free/[]>>Lambda.Source
//4Shorthand for Free/[]>>Lambda.Source
//5Shorthand for Free/[]>>Lambda.Source
//6Shorthand for Free/[]>>Lambda.Source
//7Shorthand for Free/[]>>Lambda.Source
//8Shorthand for Free/[]>>Lambda.Source
//9Shorthand for Free/[]>>Lambda.Source
>>/2Calls a copy of Lambda.Source
>>/3Calls a copy of Lambda.Source
>>/4Calls a copy of Lambda.Source
>>/5Calls a copy of Lambda.Source
>>/6Calls a copy of Lambda.Source
>>/7Calls a copy of Lambda.Source
>>/8Calls a copy of Lambda.Source
>>/9Calls a copy of Lambda.Source
is_lambda/1True if Term is a valid Lambda expression.Source
lambda_calls/2Goal is the goal called if call/N is applied to LambdaExpression, where ExtraArgs are the additional arguments to call/N.Source
lambda_calls/3Goal is the goal called if call/N is applied to LambdaExpression, where ExtraArgs are the additional arguments to call/N.Source  -- Access resource ZIP archivesShow source