RDF Query languages

This directory contains the implementation for standard RDF query languages: SPARQL en SeRQL.

Prolog files

jena_properties.plShow source
rdf_html.pl  -- Write query-results as HTML table.Show source
write_graph/4Write an RDF result-graph as an HTML table, where resources are links to the ClioPatria local view.Source
write_table/4Write a result-table in human-readable HTML format.Source
rdf_io.plShow source
rdf_turtle_io.pl  -- Write query-result graphs as TurtleShow source
write_graph/4Write an RDF result-graph as an HTML table, where resources are links to the ClioPatria local view.Source
rdfql_runtime.pl  -- SPARQL/SeRQL runtime support predicatesShow source
rdfql_bind_null/1True if all elements in List unify with $null$.Source
rdfql_carthesian/1Bags is a list of independent goals.Source
rdfql_cond_bind_null/1Bind variables in List to our NULL-representation, which is $null$.Source
rdfql_triple_in/2True when Triple is an rdf(S,P,O) element in Triples that does not contain NULL.Source
rdfql_util.plShow source
serql.plShow source
serql_compile/3Compile a SeRQL query, returning the result in Compiled.Source
serql_query/3Where Query is either a SeRQL query text or a parsed query.Source
serql_runtime.plShow source
serql_compare/3Handle numerical and textual comparison of literals.Source
serql_member_statement/2Get the individual triples from the original reply.Source
serql_xml_result.plShow source
sparql.plShow source
sparql_csv_result.pl  -- Write SPARQL results as CSVShow source
sparql_grammar.pl  -- SPARQL ParserShow source
sparql_parse/3Parse the SPARQL statement Input into a Prolog representation.Source
sparql_json_result.pl  -- Write SPARQL results as JSONShow source
sparql_runtime.pl  -- SPARQL runtime supportShow source
sparql_eval/2Evaluate a SPARQL expression.Source
sparql_eval_raw/2Same as sparql_eval/2, but return the raw result.Source
sparql_find/5Implement *(PropertyPath).Source
sparql_group/1Same as call.Source
sparql_group/3Execute a group that contains non-steadfast variables, which asks for delayed unification of the output arguments.Source
sparql_minus/2Realise SPARQL MINUS.Source
sparql_reset_bnodes/0Reset the database for the BNODE(str) function.Source
sparql_service/5Execute a remote SPARQL SERVICE request.Source
sparql_simplify/2Simplify goals to the SPARQL runtime functions before they are handed to the general optimizer and runtime evaluation.Source
sparql_subquery/3Execute a SPARQL subquery.Source
sparql_true/1Generated from FILTER Term, where Term must be converted to a boolean as 'Effective Boolean Value'.Source
sparql_update/1Handle SPARQL update requests.Source
sparql_xml_result.plShow source
text_properties.plShow source