- Documentation
- Reference manual
- Summary
- Library predicates
- library(aggregate)
- library(ansi_term)
- library(apply)
- library(assoc)
- library(broadcast)
- library(charsio)
- library(check)
- library(clpb)
- library(clpfd)
- library(clpqr)
- library(csv)
- library(dcgbasics)
- library(dcghighorder)
- library(debug)
- library(dicts)
- library(error)
- library(fastrw)
- library(explain)
- library(help)
- library(gensym)
- library(heaps)
- library(increval)
- library(intercept)
- library(iostream)
- library(listing)
- library(lists)
- library(macros)
- library(main)
- library(occurs)
- library(option)
- library(optparse)
- library(ordsets)
- library(persistency)
- library(portraytext)
- library(predicate_options)
- library(prologcoverage)
- library(prologdebug)
- library(prologjiti)
- library(prologpack)
- library(prologversions)
- library(prologtrace)
- library(prologxref)
- library(pairs)
- library(pio)
- library(random)
- library(rbtrees)
- library(readutil)
- library(record)
- library(registry)
- library(rwlocks)
- library(settings)
- library(simplex)
- library(statistics)
- library(terms)
- library(ugraphs)
- library(url)
- library(www_browser)
- library(solution_sequences)
- library(thread)
- library(thread_pool)
- library(varnumbers)
- library(yall)
- Library predicates
- Summary
- Packages
- Reference manual
F.2.54 library(terms)
foldsubterms/4 | The predicate foldsubterms/5 calls call(Goal4, SubTerm1, SubTerm2, StateIn, StateOut) for each subterm, including variables, in Term1. |
foldsubterms/5 | The predicate foldsubterms/5 calls call(Goal4, SubTerm1, SubTerm2, StateIn, StateOut) for each subterm, including variables, in Term1. |
mapargs/3 | Term1 and Term2 have the same functor (name/arity) and for each matching pair of arguments call(Goal, A1, A2) is true. |
mapsubterms/3 | Recursively map sub terms of Term1 into subterms of Term2 for every pair for which call(Goal, ST1, ST2) succeeds. |
mapsubterms_var/3 | Recursively map sub terms of Term1 into subterms of Term2 for every pair for which call(Goal, ST1, ST2) succeeds. |
same_functor/2 | True when Term1 and Term2 are terms that have the same functor (Name/Arity). |
same_functor/3 | True when Term1 and Term2 are terms that have the same functor (Name/Arity). |
same_functor/4 | True when Term1 and Term2 are terms that have the same functor (Name/Arity). |
subsumes/2 | True if Generic is unified to Specific without changing Specific. |
subsumes_chk/2 | True if Generic can be made equivalent to Specific without changing Specific. |
term_factorized/3 | Is true when Skeleton is Term where all subterms that appear multiple times are replaced by a variable and Substitution is a list of Var=Value that provides the subterm at the location Var. |
term_size/2 | True if Size is the size in _cells_ occupied by Term on the global (term) stack. |
term_subsumer/3 | General is the most specific term that is a generalisation of Special1 and Special2. |
variant/2 | Same
as SWI-Prolog =| Term1 =@= Term2| =. |